Dotella is enpowered by her exclusive interconneced work-platforms, on which she has the ability to move freely through long lines of models wearing her design. Similar to the programmers in the Matrix series having access to backdoors, and hence gives them absolute control over the system.
The cage form is derived from the perception that the collaboration of two industry leaders such as Jobs and Dotella would attract hated public interest, hence the on-display meeting space as suggested by the form of the bird-cage. With these two characters possessing such strong personalities and ego, the cage acts an form of spactial containment and control over the meeting to avoid two similar strong forces repulsing each other away.
The characteristic KeyNote presentation station, now turned 90 degrees to accommodate the shifted relative position between Jobs and the audience.
Lit at the joints between the different spaces, suggesting the power of collaboration.
Just like in real life, jobs hides away in his own cacoon until the time comes for his KeyNote presentations. Here is the cocoon for Jobs, with the elevator schute to transport him onto the stage platform.
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