Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Electroliquid Aggregation-Quote Fusion

People say to me so often, "Jane how can you be so peaceful when everywhere around you people want books signed, people are asking these questions and yet you seem so peaceful," and I always answer them that it's because I can think in 11 dimensions.

Jane Goodall + Steven Hawkings

Notebook Sketches-Brightness Transition Textures

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

UT2004 First Draft-Beehive & Radiation

The immoblie Prof. Hawkings would rest at the centre of the dome, obsourbing data and radiation from the universe as he reflects on the funstioning of our world in 11 dimensions.
The beehive structure is the laboratory for Jane Goodall. It functions in a similar way to an ant hill, where each beehive provides a transparent, yet seperate habitates that could house groups of primates Dr. Goodall may be studying at the time.


Opposite a children's hospital.

Notebook Sketches-Axonometrics 6 Boxes

Development of the radar antenna concept.
Derived from the idea of an ant-hill, where the organisms can be studied in detail due to its thin form which increases the transparency of the spaces. In this laboratory Jane Goodall can study chimpanzee, who live in each individual cubicle, which may be under different environmental conditions to study its effect in a controlled experiment.

An development of the cage within cage idea, where the relative position of humans and chimpanzees are interchanged.

Notebook Sketches-Axonometrics 3 Boxes

The impression I received from Jane Goodall's work is the suggestion to re-examine human's connection with speciation, and how our gradual emergence from speciation as the dominant population only from the random chance such as smashing two rocks together, which chimpanzees and many primates are more than capable of performing. One example is the right page above, where the human and chimpanzee roles are interchanged, with the lab space inside a captivity space, while the chimpanzees are free to roam around the lab observing the occupants.

Theoretical physicists fascinate me with the ability to derive, with logic, everything we know about the universe from planet earth. Isaac Newton  calculated the mass of every terrestrial body in the solar system without ever leaving England. Steven Hawkings is the embodiment of this idea in extreme form, working out that the universe can be modeled with 11 dimensions from a wheelchair. I have tried to create a lab space from where he can observe a very large proportion of the universe without raising his head, which he can't do anyway. Above is the concept of Steven Hawkings sitting in the centre of a radio antenna, where he can receive the data (and radiation) which is equivalent to a much larger area from one place.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Client Quotes-Hawkings,Nightingale, Goodall.

"Evolution has ensured that our brains aren't equipped to visualize 11 dimensions directly. However, from a purely mathematical point of view it's just as easy to think in 11 dimensions, as it is to think in three or four."

Steven Hawkings, "Return of the time lord," in the Guardian (27 September 2005).

"Poetry and imagination begin life. A child will fall on its knees on the gravel walk at the sight of a pink hawthorn in full flower, when it is by itself, to praise God for it."

Florence Nightingale, Cassandra (1860)

People say to me so often, "Jane how can you be so peaceful when everywhere around you people want books signed, people are asking these questions and yet you seem peaceful," and I always answe that it is the peace of the forest that I carry inside.

Jane Goodall

SketchUp Model Upload-FileFront


Sunday, April 13, 2008

Google Warehouse-Upload Problem

Due to the multiple distorted spherical forms in the sketch up model, the file size has rocketed to over 50mb. I have tried scaling down, softening edges, deleting texture, grouping everything... nothing seem to be able to reduce the file size. My computer, the courageous Mac Book Pro 17-inch crashes every-time I try to export or upload the model. Solutions please leave a comment.

Beautiful-Reflective Street Art

Arch1161 "Let solutions grow from the place."

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Mini Machinima-Sky Studio

Soundtrack Attached. YouTube

Mini Machinima-Cocoon Port

Soundtrack Attached. YouTube

Mini Machinima-Sky Platform

Soundtrack Attached. YouTube

Notebook Sketches-Animation Story Board

Artwork In Context-Cocoon Exhibition Space

Artworks of Sidney Nolan and Patricia Piccinini in the submerged exhibition space, in proportion. I was hoping to construct a space where audiences' perception is that they are hovering in ether with the artwork.
The sculpture Nest is made from recycled scooter parts. There would've been a heat source involved, which allowed Piccinini to soften the structure and manipulate the form of the scooter. Fillers are then applied to smoothen the burnt or deformed surfaces, and to create the fluid form of the sculpture. Several coats of acrylic paints are the applied, first in shades of orange, then several layers of clear acrylic, to create the glossy finish. The accessories such as mirrors and seats will then be added to the sculpture.
The texture of Sidney Nolan's paintings are characterized by the experimentation of paint qualities. There are thick undiluted paint and watery washes of diluted paint. He has applied the paint onto canvas with painting knives, paint brushed, scraped it off with blades and smudged the paint with fabric. The one consistency amongst these almost barbaric methods of painting is the skill with which Nolan executes each of these effect. The result is a painting with a brutal aesthetics which can convey subtle and intimate themes.

Friday, April 11, 2008

SketchUp Final Solution-Cast Away

The underwater system is expanded in order to create an realistic weighting system in this fictional structure. This also results in an expansion of gallery space, allowing the artists to exhibit their works without clutter and distraction. The experience of spending time alone with the works of Patricia Piccinini or Sidney Nolan in an underwater cocoon would be very dramatic.

The eery glow of the underwater structure would be a very interesting sight if the occupant of the sky studio became bored of staring into the sky and horizon.
Patricia Piccinini's favorite spot on this sky studio would probably be the observatory platform, on which she can look into space and imagine what alien creature she will try materialize in her next sculpture.
The floating structure has propellers rotating in alternating directions to provide lift. Individual floors are fixed to the central axis and can spin in accordance to the wind's force on its irregular shape.
Because the underwater studios are not anchored down, there is no defined axis of up or down. By rotating the structure, the spaces inside would interchange between floor, celling and walls. 

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


It the speakers were larger it could engulf the user in an isolated space of ambience, like earphones but for the whole body.
What if the egg lights didn't run on electricity, but absorbs sunlight with its dark shell, then emits the stored light energy when it is peeled.

SketchUp Animation Draft-Flying and Swimming Rooms

Trying to create tension by having the perspective character jump off the top platform.

SketchUp Third Draft-3rd Generation Studios with Texture

The flying studio lifted by propellers is for Patricia Piccinini, and I believe it reflects the alien aesthetic of her art works. The curiously shaped stairs is the only attachment between the studio and the 'world', and is trying to recreate the image of alien creatures being 'beamed' down from UFO's.